About Us

About us

We love gardening!

First and foremost, I am a mother.  I was a young mother of three children when I found myself having to provide for them on my own.  At that time in my life food was not a guarantee by any means.  I often found myself selling household items to ensure there was food on the table.  Since that time food security has been a priority of mine.  After many years of hard work, dedication, college, and self-taught homesteading skills, I want to teach others what I wish I had known sooner.

So... when I am not caring for my, now, five children, and running the farm I am an oncology nurse practitioner.  At our Cancer Center, we have a beautiful arrangement of raised garden beds that our cancer patients access for fresh vegetables. 

My husband, Aaron, manages the livestock side of the farm.  We currently raise Chickens, Turkeys and Pigs.  We now strive to raise the majority of meat.

My goal is to continue to help these patients have access to fresh organic vegetables for years to come.  I also want to help people grow their own plants at home, save seeds and grow a more sustainable food system.   For years I have been growing plants alongside my children, showing them the wealth of produce that can come from a single seed.  Then those seeds are saved for the following year. 

For every plant sold from our farm, there will be a donation made to our local cancer center's healing garden. Donations continue to maintain and improve the raised beds that cancer patients can access daily.

Let us help you sart your garden!

Call us at 563-380-6939 or email us at jessica@septenaryfarm.com
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