

Always better straight from the garden!

We have several heirloom varieties to suit all your desires from the best canning tomato to the most colorful. 

Annual Plant Sale coming

Spring 2023

The Queen of the Night

The true queen of black tomatoes, this richly flavored salad type variety hails from the Rhine region of Germany. The round, 3 to 3.5 oz. fruit develop brushstrokes of ebony, crimson and orange; cut into the fruit to reveal a stunning vermillion color, fragrant, sweet and loaded with rich tomato taste! Plants are indeterminate, with a compact habit, reaching 5 to 5.5 feet on average, with blue-tinged, regular leaf foliage.

Sunrise Bumble Bee

Chefs love the luminous swirls of reds and oranges, inside the fruit and out! Everyone loves the sweet, fruity taste, too! Oblong little fruit weighs barely an ounce, and sometimes shows a pronounced beak at the blossom end. Another member of the incredible new ‘Artisan’ series.

Green Zebra

Beautiful chartreuse with deep lime-green stripes, very attractive. Flesh is bright green and very rich tasting, sweet with a sharp bite to it (just too good to describe!). A favorite tomato of many high-class chefs, specialty markets, and home gardeners. Yield is excellent. The most striking tomato in our catalog, a real beauty. Around 3 ounces. This is the tomato colored for the Green Bay Packers.

Black Strawberry

Fantastic, sugar-sweet tomato flavor, that is fruity, with a hint of grape and plum flavors.  This 1-ounce fruit is marbled in blue, scarlet and gold. A bowl full resembles a luminous and luxurious bunch of gems, and indeed the flavor is decadent and indulgent, with perfectly sweet and tart balanced flavor! This extremely productive and early variety makes it an obvious choice for gardeners and market farmers who want rugged, early-producing plants, and do not want to sacrifice eating quality.

Mortgage Lifter

Large, smooth, 1-lb pink fruit has a delicious, rich, sweet taste. This variety has become very popular in recent years and was developed by M.C. Byles of Logan, West Virginia. After crossing varieties for 6 years and selecting the best, he introduced this beauty that he named Mortgage Lifter in the 1940s, after he sold plants for $1 each and paid off the $6000 mortgage on his house.

The Hungarian Heart

Brilliant reddish pink oxheart-type fruit is large—frequently exceeding one pound! The fruit of this heirloom is firm and meaty like all oxheart types—great for paste, canning or fresh use. The crack-resistant fruit contains very few seeds and shows very little tendency to develop cores—just rich tasting, solid flesh across each hefty slice! Heavy production all season long. Originated outside of Budapest, Hungary, around 1900.

Cherokee Purple

An old Cherokee Indian heirloom, pre-1890 variety; beautiful, deep, dusky purple-pink color, superb sweet flavor, and very-large-sized fruit. Try this one for real old-time tomato flavor. Our favorite dark tomato and one of our best selling varieties.

Orange Accordion

 Indeterminate, regular leaf. Indescribable beauty meets stellar flavor with the orange accordion tomato. This highly ruffled, massive tomato in high voltage orange color is packed with nutrition and sweet, fruity flavor. This head-turning tomato is a must have for market gardeners and home growers alike. Its deeply lobed fruit has few seeds and juicy, meaty flesh, making it suitable for sauces and slicing. Its monstrous fruit can easily reach 20 ounces each and makes a perfect stuffing tomato, too!

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